Monday, August 18, 2008

Anxiety part 2

This project is going to last forever the way things are going. Another week of painting and still not finished. I just went to check out the place and there are spots that are still yellow through the blue too.....major problem.

The center is a little disappointed in us. I would be too but we are doing it for free. I am sick of calling in orders every week for paint and supplies and people. What a mess! I feel like running away from this project but I can't. People know where I am. I just wish it would go away and get done and look great.

I am trying to figure out the reason for this mishap. What could it be? We are doing good and all we are getting is bad news. One day extra of painting I understand....but two extra and who knows what else? Ugh.

I wish I could say "I am done." I really really do.

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