Sunday, June 13, 2010

What a hypocrite I am!

I'm back.

I'm back because a friend started a blog today and I remembered I, too, have a blog.

And then I started reading my blog--this blog. And I got all the way back to August 8, 2008 and that's when I realized I am a hypocrite. On August 8, 2008 I said plain and simple that I did not want a big wedding.

Guess what?

I'm having a big wedding.

I should go back a bit. Todd proposed to me on September 30, 2009 and I said yes! I was ready. I had been hinting at it since the summer of 2009. I guess when you're ready things change. Maybe. Oh we would still love to have a small wedding with a big party after the honeymoon but my family is HUGE! 110 people from Buffalo alone. 350 people on the guest list. Where did all these people come from???

What I've learned about my family is that once you're in, you're in. That means everyone from 6th cousins and up come to everything or at least are invited to everything. Because it isn't fair otherwise.


So we're going to a chapel...and we're going to get married...and then we're having a huge party to celebrate it all.

August 28, 2010. We'll be at a very big wedding and it will be ours. I only hope that everyone who comes has a great time. Because I definitely hated weddings on August 8, 2008 and now I want everyone to come to ours.



Dr. Alex said...

I hope your BIG wedding is a success!

Monica said...

I think your wedding was pretty great! It didn't seem like a big wedding because the church had a small feel to it, very cozy yet beautiful, and the reception was just gorgeous, and huge. So maybe in theory it was a big wedding, but it didn't feel like it. It felt like a close knit group of people :)

Jackie said...

Wow people read my blog!!! I totally didn't realize I must keep it up. :) Thanks guys.