Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas is coming....


I have so much to do.

Tucker is now 31#, going to puppy classes and going through some sort of stage of fear. He won't walk past the new refridgerator, is petrified of Miranda (my little moody cat), and spent 3 nights crying his eyes out last week. Classes are ok except he is super hyper. He won't concentrate longer than a minute but when the instructor is nearby he is all ears, sitting up straight, ready to perform. What a brown noser!

As for Christmas things are more together than last year. I have a big tree this year. No more Charlie Browner! Christmas gifts are mostly bought and wrapped but there are still a few gifts to buy and they are always the hardest. It's epsecially hard to buy for somebody who just got married and was showered with gifts.

Todd and I are heading to Buffalo for Christmas. It seems so far away but it is only 2 weeks. Time is flying. I am only a tad worried because Todd is not able to buy much this Christmas for others and my family will likely expect something small. They won't be too upset with nothing but seeing they got him something they will likely compare him to my brother's girlfriend Nikki (who gets each of us a gift for Christmas).

I wish Todd would find a job he enjoyed. He was always in a good mood when he was at GE. He was talkative and awake and always motivated to work hard. Now he is always tired and unmotivated unless I say something. I hate saying something. It makes me feel like a nag. He has so much to give. He really does. I pray that he finds a job that is stable and enjoyable in the next 2 months. I also pray he doesn't lose the current job he has due to the economic hardtimes everybody is facing at this time.

As for the new year....we'll see what happens.

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